Many changes were taking place due to the pandemic, and to a great degree, marketing too took quite a hit. Companies were quite uncertain on how they would move forward, especially with the work from home mandates and getting everything done remotely. Many could not keep up and they were seeing their productivity drop.

As a company, we started assisting many clients in getting their footing after a very harsh pandemic. Some had to downsize, and others even shut down some departments and outsourced them to other companies.

We were working on the changes and adjusting just fine. During the months that business was a bit slow, we were spending them learning more about the way we would move forward. Additionally, we could help the community a lot more now because we had time and were spending it to work on the community. We slowed down for a second to make adjustments so everyone was safe and could get through.

There were changes to the way we were communicating with everyone. For the most part, we were no longer meeting people in person. We would coordinate with them virtually and were now a part of many more zoom meetings. Although there are so many changes, we were working from the office. 

We could not work remotely because of the nature of our work and the fact that we had a lot that we coordinated. We made sure the people we were working with took the necessary precautions. We were also following all the CDC precautions, including mask mandates, social distancing norms, and the other basic requirements.

Additionally, we cleaned the office with Lysol, added temperature checks, and had everyone wear masks again. While so many changes took place, we kept the hours we were putting in, constant.

While we do not coordinate much of our work remotely, we use secure platforms for the little that we do that needs it. We do not want any of our information or the details of the clients we work with leaked or sent to others.

When it comes to the clients we work with, we usually get a lot more done in person. However, some clients are not open to meeting in person because of the spread of the Coronavirus, and we respect that and coordinate with them remotely. As for the others who are, we travel and meet them. Our primary focus is making sure everyone follows the rules and regulations relating to in-person meetings.

When we are working remotely, zoom is our best friend. There are a few instances where we coordinate remotely using other platforms to make the process easier for our clients. We would like to participate in virtual public events and business Expos moving forward. We think that these are great opportunities in creating a good brand name for our clients.

If you are looking for a firm in Toronto, connect with us at Corral Consultants, Inc. We assist our clients with their requirements in getting sales. We understand their needs and find solutions to their issues which were quite prevalent during the pandemic. We even assist them in creating a better-known brand and other changes that they have to get through. If you want a more detailed understanding of what we do, please click here. If you are looking to get in touch with us or think we can assist with a requirement, please click here